Nora Schott

Nora Schott studied stage dance and choreography at Palucca Schule Dresden – Hochschule für Tanz. She was the first master student of the university and a scholarship holder of the Saxon State Ministry for Sciences and the Arts. As a choreographer and dancer, Nora Schott hat also worked for domestic and foreign ensembles since then.

2002, Nora Schott co-founded the contemporary dance company »shot AG« with which she regularly produces feature-length pieces as well as short pieces as a choreographer and dancer until today. Since 2003, Nora Schott connects her artistic work with dance education, in trainings and workshops for professionals as well as in work with amateurs. As dance pedagogue she has been working with children and adolescents for many years. For this work she has been awarded several times in Saxony and nationwide.

Nora Schott works as a choreographer for theatre production and with adults without a dance education, e.g. with inmates of Zeithain prison and farbwerk e.V. – Kunst- und Kulturverein für Künstler mit und ohne Behinderung.